
How to Increase Motivation and Stop Procrastination by JAG

Why do today that which you can put off till tomorrow? or something to that affect.

Lack of Motivation leads to procrastination. Hey we all put things off from time to time but is it an ongoing problem with you? The main problem with procrastination is it tends to consume every part of our lives.

Procrastinate enough and it becomes a lifelong habit. The norm becomes only doing what you have to only when it is absolutely necessary.

Lack of motivation can have a deeper meaning than was once thought. It was once thought that an unmotivated person was just plain lazy and for some that probably is true.

How to increase Motivation and Stop Procrastination

1) Believe in Yourself- lack of motivation can be a sign of a much deeper problem. Low Self-Esteem, Anxiety, Depression, Fear, Social Phobias. Often people that are unmotivated or at least seem to be are really having a deeper issue. Fear of trying something new( going for a better job takes people out of their comfort zone) Low Self-Esteem (well I probably couldn't do that job anyway)

2) Admit to Yourself that it could be a deeper problem then just being a habitual procrastinator. Why do you constantly put things off? Are you afraid of failure? Afraid of embarrasing yourself? Afraid of success? If it is a deeper problem does that mean your stuck with being this way? NO it goes back to the first tip learning to believe in Yourself.

3) Let go of the negative the thought's that lead you to procrastination. I can't, I'm not good enough, it probably wouldn't work anyway in your subconscious mind these thought's are there you need to accentuate the positive. I can, If he can do it I certainly can etc.

4) Take a small step to doing something you have been putting off. Don't try and redesign the wheel in one day,remember you are changing a lifetime of bad habits

How to Increase Motivation and Stop Procrastination is really about finding the root causes and letting go of them by learning to believe what can and should be.

About the Author

I hope that you found this article How to Increase Motivation and Stop Procrastination helpful and gave you something to think about the first step is believing you can if you would like to read more on this subject please follow the link below and thank you
