
Stop Procrastination now and Clean up the Clutter by Roger Moore

If you put off an action that requires immediate attention, it could definitely be defined as procrastination. The definition for procrastination as defined by Webster is "The deferment or putting off of an action which requires immediate attention" if you fit this bill then you are definitely a victim of procrastination. learn how to take control of your life and stop procrastination now and clean up the clutter.

It's easy to become distracted and get sidetracked when starting a new project. you feel good about it when you imagine how its going to be when it's finished but you can never seem to get started, and because you don't start you can't finish, that's when other problems arise. Irritation and uneasiness set in because you have these unfinished projects hanging over your head.

I want to help you to stop procrastination now and clean up the clutter. Start by not looking at your tasks as huge unmovable mountains and commit yourself to starting the task and breaking it down into smaller pieces easily moveable over time, this will give you the confidence needed to complete the whole task or project

In order to do the things you know you need to do you may have to set time frames, This will actually put you in a position of control and empowerment when you get things done within a particular time frame. You will begin to experience a feeling of freedom that you probably haven't felt in years or never at all. You'll even begin to have more free enjoyable time on your hands which will make you feel even better.

Find out what inspires you and use it to stop procrastination now and clean up the clutter in your life, inspiration can come in many forms and it's very powerful, use it to your advantage as a vehicle designed to propel you towards your personal success.

Remember to set small goals in order to make your bigger ones reachable and more attainable and you will be well on your way to happiness